Wednesday 5 February 2020

By Fire and Sword - Muscovite Pomiestna Cavalry Regiment

Hi again!

Today I managed to finish my Muscovite Dvorians for By Fire and Sword. These guys are essentially better armoured Boyar Sons, representing wealthier boyars who could afford better equipment. Given their wealth I decided to paint all the cloth on the figures in colours, whereas many of my regular boyars are adorned in browns or grey. In game terms though they have better armour, they fight no better than regular boyar sons.

This unit completes my pomiestna cavalry regiment. Technically I actually have enough to play a very small division game now if I proxy a general and an extra colonel in! I'm receiving my zavoivodchicy, high command and streltsy on Friday to expand to a properly sized division.

Coming up soon will be a battle report of a game I'm playing on Friday (skirmish BFaS). I also intend on writing some tactics articles for By Fire and Sword. Thanks for reading!

The Regiment in all it's colourful glory.
The Dvorians, finished today.

Boyar Sons with Spears

The force as it stands.


  1. Being a Muscovite freak since years I must say, damn good staff Sir!

    1. Thanks! Much more to paint. Once I paint everything I have it'll be a 4 regiment division but I'd like to go bigger...

    2. Yep, I know the story :) Wanted skirmish set but grew to have nice division myself. Good luck!
