Wednesday 6 November 2019

Сумские гусары - Napoleonic Sumi Hussars and Russian Generals

Hi again!

Today I've finished my third (and for now final) hussar base, painted up as the Sumi Нussars (Сумские гусары). I really enjoyed these guys, the grey and red uniform was easy to paint and looks striking. I'm also happy with the generals. They do look a little plain but overall I think the character of the miniatures shines through. I've also thrown in a couple of photos of the army's overall progress at the end of this post - it's really starting to look like an army and I'm super happy with it. Overall so far I've painted 10 infantry, 6 cavalry, 2 artillery and 3 general bases. This is maybe a quarter of the project, if that...

Сумские гусары - front

Сумские гусары - rear

My generals

The army! 6pdr artillery to the front.

More of a focus on the cavalry. The first in frame are the Лейб-гвардия гусары (Lifeguard Hussars)

The infantry. These front two regiments still need their second battalions.